Monday, September 24, 2007


soccer before the reception :)
Girl will play soccer in a dress with me, I think Im in love



Being.... ourselves



OOOO pretty
Tyer Lucas and going to a wedding

Friday, September 14, 2007

was recording a movie and didn't realize it was set to pictures :)


this kid was hilarious
someone got a handful and nailed me


Plotting on me

Again try to get those flattering ones
Is it just me or does she look like she has something up her sleeve

Peace in the Middle East

We are cool

Niagra Falls and maid of the mist

I try to get the most flattering pictures I can get, We are getting and about to get drenched
what happens after Maid in the Mist at Niagra Falls
Niagra Falls looks so much cooler in pictures, I look cooler in RL

its hard to take pics off a computer


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Don't know why my mirror is spotty? You better believe that yoshi was snorting up a storm

Friday, March 17, 2006

Car pics

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Why lava lamp books and dear head mounted on neon colored walls? Life is like deer hunting duhh. We have a extreamist hunter in our youth group. He gave us two of his heads.

Monday, January 09, 2006

According to popular thinking...

Did anyone ever tell you if you have sex with someone and that person had sex with someone else it is like having sex with that person too... Well that is just disgusting. Well take that one step further have we touched butts then???...

Friday, December 30, 2005


We started to get so good at this game we cleared stages. Supposed to be a fun way to keep active and loose 150 pounds. Ok make a New Years Resolution, I will loose 20 pounds playing this game.

Imagine I am singing this... makes for a better post.

"I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

For only 10 seconds it sucks I know

When you are sun bathing in December

Can we sometimes soon get snow."

Snowing like crazy when we left Indy and lasted not very long at least it snowed.